Posts by First Congregational Church Of Westminster, MA (Page 6)

Posts by First Congregational Church Of Westminster, MA (Page 6)

In This Season of Giving

In this season of giving, we wanted to wrap up our Steadfast Hope campaign. As of this writing, we’ve had over 75 pledges, and they are still coming in. If you have pledged and shown your support, the church community is grateful! If you haven’t pledged yet, you can still send in your pledge card. Thank you for your steadfastness in this season, and here’s to everlasting hope for the new year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Generous Giving…

From The Pastor’s Pen

The month of January gets its name from the ancient Roman god, Janus. Janus was the god of beginnings and endings. He was a two-faced deity. One face looked back to the past. The other face looked forward to the future. Honestly, from the vantage point of January 2022, neither view looks all that rosy. 2021  began with the hope that the race to develop and distribute COVID vaccines would prove to be the solution for subduing the disease so…

Our Father’s House Support

Our Father’s House and the Women’s Fellowship Every year at Christmas one of the favorite charities of the Women’s Fellowship has been supportive of Our Father’s House in Fitchburg.  Although the impact of the virus has curtailed many of the Fellowship’s activities, we have not lessened in our commitment to provide support where needed and possible. Our Father’s House for almost 40 years has been dedicated to getting people off the street where they can be safe and find self-sufficiency. …

Thanksgiving Food Collection

The members of the Christian Outreach Committee thank all of you who contributed food and money to the annual Thanksgiving Food   Collection.  The pandemic did not dampen your response to the needs of the Westminster Community Food Pantry.  Your generosity was greatly appreciated! We are well aware that the need for food at the pantry does not end with just one successful food collection.  It is a year-round need.   A few years ago John Aalto shared an idea to…

Gifts For Children

The Christian Outreach Committee is beginning to think about the holiday season and the mittens in past years we have hung on The Giving Tree in the Narthex.  There will be no tree this year as you enter the church, but that doesn’t take away the feelings we have for giving to others.  This year we have decided to again support the Residential reunification homes run by Community Healthlink whom we worked with last year.  These three homes, two in…

Children’s Christmas Pageant

Hi Families! This year we are trying something new for our Christmas Pageant.  If you are interested in having your child participate, below is the following format of how it will be taking place.  As always, please message me with any questions. My idea for the Christmas pageant is based upon the suggestions from the Covid crisis committee.  I have a cute book about the birth of Jesus as told from the animal’s point of view.  I have a list…

From The Pastor’s Pen

Advent Schedule of Services and Activities The year 2021 has been a time of growing uncertainty. With the development of vaccines to defend against COVID it seemed reasonable to hope that the virus would be contained and life, as we were accustomed to it, could soon resume. As we near the end of the year, numbers of cases are resurging instead of retreating. The cloud of uncertainty also takes the forms of increasing effects of climate change, the specter of…

New Hearing Assistance Devices

Jesus said, “My sheep HEAR my voice…and they       follow me.” But many of us who suffer from hearing loss find hearing what is spoken in worship to be problematic. So, a few years ago, when goals were set for the Capital Campaign, improving the hearing assistance devices for the sanctuary were high on the list. Thanks to generosity of those who contributed to the Capital Campaign and the faithfulness of the    Trustees in working to achieve that goal, the new devices…

Gifts For Children

      This year we will be giving gifts to children and families that will provide the same smiles as we have in past years.  Once again, this holiday will look different. Nothing feels the same as it has in previous years.  We are still in the planning stages.

Food Collection

We are fast approaching the holiday season when we count our blessings and thank God for all that we have in our lives.  It is a great time to reach out to those who do not have as much as we do. This year there will be a box in the hall as you enter the church where we will be collecting food that will be distributed to families in the community before the Thanksgiving holiday. The members of the…

Christian Ed Update

Hi families! It’s been so nice to have church school in person and to see all of your smiling faces!! As we head into the advent season we have a few announcements. If you have a child in the nursery or the preschool/ kindergarten classroom we are asking you to please send me a message by Fridays at 6 pm to let us know if your child will be attending church school for that Sunday.  We love to see each…

Poinsettia Orders

Orders will be taken from November 1st through November 30th. Please fill out the form below. If you need additional forms, they will be available at the Church Office.” and later on “Last date to order Poinsettias will be Tuesday, November 30th.”  The price of $10 per plant is fine to use. The plants will be delivered to the church (we will provide the date), and Cauley’s will have a bill ready at delivery. The plants can be red, white…

From The Pastor’s Pen

Jesus once said that “you cannot put new wine into old wineskins, or they will burst.” He meant that the new dimensions of knowing God and being God’s people that he was revealing, were too expansive to be fully contained in the former traditions and rituals. As we have been transitioning from the fully virtual worship format used during the pandemic state of emergency, through the Summer Open Air Worship services and now to our Regathering in the sanctuary for…

Big Basket Raffle

Update on Basket Raffle for the Westminster Cracker Festival: In light of the scaled-back 2021 Cracker Festival plans under a new Covid variant shadow, a decision has been made that the church will not be participating in the basket raffle this year.  A few baskets have been lovingly made by you and were delivered to the church, and for that we are deeply grateful. These donations will be put to good use as we all work to function and fundraise…