New Hearing Assistance Devices

New Hearing Assistance Devices

Jesus said, “My sheep HEAR my voice…and they       follow me.” But many of us who suffer from hearing loss find hearing what is spoken in worship to be problematic. So, a few years ago, when goals were set for the Capital Campaign, improving the hearing assistance devices for the sanctuary were high on the list. Thanks to generosity of those who contributed to the Capital Campaign and the faithfulness of the    Trustees in working to achieve that goal, the new devices are available for those who would like to use them.

During worship on October 24, the devices were dedicated for use with these words: Still       Speaking God, we ask your blessing upon these devices, that they may be a blessing to those who rely on them to hear your Word proclaimed, prayed and interpreted in worship. As Jesus was compassionate and intentional in restoring sight to the blind, opening the ears of the deaf, and healing the lame, may we reflect that same compassion and intentionality toward all for whom seeing, hearing or movement is a challenge. May these devices contribute to a fuller worship experience and a deeper sense of community and inclusion for all who gather here in Christ’s name. Amen.

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