Posts from January 2023

Posts from January 2023

A thank you note with red ribbon on it.

Thank You From Christian Outreach

A message from the Christian Outreach Committee     Thank you all for your response, to our annual giving tree toy drive!  This year we again used the ease of Amazon to our advantage and easily met the needs of some children who can use a little extra joy this holiday season. The Christian Outreach Committee again partnered with the Community Healthlink residential recovery homes where children are going through the reunification process with their mothers.   We had 12 children from 3…
A woman is holding her nails and using a pen

From The Pastor’s Pen

I’ve been thinking about house blessings as Epiphany approaches and at the same time also imagining the coming year as a house—a space in time that is opening itself to all of us. How will we inhabit the coming year? How will we enter it with mindfulness and with intention? How will we move through the rooms of the coming months in a way that brings blessing to this world? I also have been pondering what it is to carry…