For many years summer brought an end to the time of fellowship and refreshments following Sunday services.  Then Cam and Pat Godfrey began attending our church and introduced Lemonade & Cookies, a wonderful way to enjoy summer each Sunday morning.  Since then each summer Sunday, weather permitting, we leave the church and join together outside to enjoy light refreshments.  It’s a wonderful tradition enjoyed by all.

Can you help to continue this tradition?  It’s easy!  In the Bride’s Room, located off the Narthex, there is a card table and chairs, a small wastebasket, as well as a basket of cups and napkins.  There is lemonade and bottled water in the church kitchen refrigerator.  Cookies are in the cabinet by the kitchen’s back door. Help is available to carry heavy items if needed.  After cleaning up and returning everything to the Bride’s Room, you just need to decide where any donations you received should be given!

The signup sheet for Lemonade & Cookies is located outside the church office and will also be available on Sunday mornings.  Or you can call the Church Office and sign up for a Sunday or two!

Thank you for being a part of the Lemonade and Cookies tradition that Cam and Pat started!

-The Welcoming Committee

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