Congregational News and Updates (Page 6)

Congregational News and Updates (Page 6)

Update on Mums

 We would like to celebrate the beauty of Fall with our annual display of chrysanthemum plants given in memory or in honor of loved ones. The mums will be placed in front of our church decorating the front steps. The Westminster Pharmacy is looking for a provider for mums which they don’t have as of this writing.  When we know a price for the mums we will send out a MailChimp as well as including it in the bulletin.

Steadfast Hope

Focus on the Why As this year’s Generous Giving Ministry will focus on Steadfast Hope, why do you choose to give? What has this past year of pandemic life taught you about your own giving practices? Everyone has their own, personal reasons for why they give, or times when they can’t give. Wherever you are in your giving journey, focus on your why. Here are some ideas to help you think about your why: It’s where I experience the transforming…

April COVID 19 Update

The Response Team which is made up of the Pastor, Moderator, Staff, and representatives of Diaconate,   Trustees, and Safe Church have been meeting regularly since the beginning of the pandemic.  We monitor trends in the progression of the virus thru various agencies such as the CDC, Southern New England UCC Conference, and Federal and State covid Safety Standards.  We are currently reviewing the information, forms, and protocols that we have been working on since the onset of the virus in…