Women’s Fellowship Fall Activities

Women’s Fellowship Fall Activities

Please join us at one or all of these upcoming activities!

A casual lunch at Kros on the Common in Templeton!  Plan to meet at the church at 11:30 on September 12th so we can carpool to the restaurant. We will enjoy lunch and talk about future plans.  Bring your ideas for activities.

A Westminster Firefighter and Police Detective will offer a Be Aware program on Sunday, September 24th at 3:30 pm.  Bring a friend to learn about how to avoid sweepstake and phone scams, check whitewashing, caller ID spoofing and more.  We will also learn how to use the portable defibrillator that we have at the church.

Join in the fun on September 21 for Apple Pie Baking in the church kitchen!  We will begin at 9 o’clock and finish around 2. Come for as long as you can.  Help is    needed to peel apples, make crusts, mix filling, prepare boxes and more.  The pies will be sold at the Westminster Farmer’s Market on September 22nd.  Help is also needed to sell pies at the Market from 3 – 6 pm. The funds we raised support the church and   various missions.

Can you donate any of the ingredients we need to make 45 pies?

10 lb bags of King Arthur Flour (3 needed)

3 lb cans of shortening (3 needed)

4 lb bags of sugar (4 needed)

2 bottles of nutmeg (2 needed)

2 bottles of cinnamon (2 needed)

45 pie plates

A basket for your donations is in the church kitchen.

On October 19th at 6:30 pm come and meet Local Poet and Author Karen        Elizabeth Sharp as she shares her recent book, Prayer Can Be Anything.  We are glad to have this Westminster resident share her talent!

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