'Generous Giving Ministry' Tagged Posts

'Generous Giving Ministry' Tagged Posts

A group of people holding hands with the word " pledge " spelled out in blocks.

Generous Giving Pledges Needed!

Over the past month, we have had a number of members speak on behalf of their committees. Thank you to those folks who shared such valuable information about how their committees and their volunteers “show up†for the church. We need you. Your presence.We are asking all folks committed to this church to consider making a pledge as a way to bear witness of your presence. And for those who are already pledgers, we ask for you to increase your…
Two hands holding a heart on top of each other.

GGM Annual Awareness

Living Presence, Right Now In September, the Generous Giving Ministry will be increasing our annual awareness of what  generous giving is for this church and collecting pledges. This year’s theme is Living Presence, Right Now. We invite EVERYONE to join us at worship in September and early October to hear more about how we show up, be present and attend to the financial and spiritual needs as a  congregation. Here we are. In the present. The past can inform us, and we…
A group of people holding hands with the word " pledge " spelled out in blocks.

Proportional Giving

……SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT! Our church is a member of the United Church of Christ (UCC), which has several geographic divisions or conferences.  Our conference is the Southern New England Conference of the UCC (SNEUCC). In 2017 the SNEUCC passed the following: “Proportional Giving (PG) replaces a Local Church’s giving to Conference and National UCC through Membership Dues and OCWM Basic Support.  Instead, the church’s PG contributions are based on its historic giving level in relation to its Total…
A pile of leaves that are on the ground.

Surviving and Thriving

In a season of change As we celebrate survival, and hope, we must also seek ways to thrive in this season of change for our church. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.†John 16:33 In the past year, this church experienced a huge change; for many, Pastor Ray’s departure in May clicked into focus the church’s need to reexamine who…
A group of people holding hands with the word " pledge " spelled out in blocks.

In This Season of Giving

In this season of giving, we wanted to wrap up our Steadfast Hope campaign. As of this writing, we’ve had over 75 pledges, and they are still coming in. If you have pledged and shown your support, the church community is grateful! If you haven’t pledged yet, you can still send in your pledge card. Thank you for your steadfastness in this season, and here’s to everlasting hope for the new year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Generous Giving…
A red and white logo that says " redfast hotels ".

Steadfast Hope

Focus on the Why As this year’s Generous Giving Ministry will focus on Steadfast Hope, why do you choose to give? What has this past year of pandemic life taught you about your own giving practices? Everyone has their own, personal reasons for why they give, or times when they can’t give. Wherever you are in your giving journey, focus on your why. Here are some ideas to help you think about your why: It’s where I experience the transforming…
A pencil, glasses and some other items on top of paper.

Say Please and Thank you!

Notes from Generous Giving Ministry As a new committee member and incoming chair of the Generous Giving Ministry committee, I want to express my immense gratitude to the current members and its past chair, Jim Tamulen. His leadership and commitment have led this church through many, many successful Generous Giving campaigns through the years, and as incoming chair, I seek to listen and learn from him and the current committee about how to best serve this church and this community in this…