Surviving and Thriving

Surviving and Thriving

In a season of change

As we celebrate survival, and hope, we must also seek ways to thrive in this season of change for our church.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.â€

John 16:33

In the past year, this church experienced a huge change; for many, Pastor Ray’s departure in May clicked into focus the church’s need to reexamine who we are and where we will be going in this season of change.

We are asking all folks committed to this church to consider making a pledge. And for those who are already pledgers, we ask for you to increase your pledge, as this will not only keep this church surviving but give us the opportunity to realign who we are and what we want for ourselves, our congregation, community, and the world this year.

Your pledge will support the work of this church including compensating an interim pastor who will lead us through this moment of change.

Pledge cards will be sent out the week of September 6th and will be available in church. Please plan to return your pledge card by Sunday, October 2nd.

Thank you for your generous giving of the past, your commitment to the survival and thriving of this faith community, and your hope for the future.


Generous Giving Ministry Jessica Caouette, Ted Guilford, Doug Miller, Sandi Thibodeau

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