Posts from November 2022

Posts from November 2022

A person holding onto a box of food

Thanksgiving Food Collection

Thankfully we have been able to make necessary adjustments to the current new normal, and some things have not changed. Poverty and homelessness still exist. People have lost jobs or had their income reduced resulting in more need for shelters and food pantries. We are fortunate to have the Westminster Community Food Pantry housed in our church. In a recent conversation with Dorcas Hurd, Director of the Westminster Community Food Pantry, she expressed great appreciation for everything our church does…
A pair of garden scissors is cutting branches.

From The Pastor’s Pen

 Have you ever pruned a tree? Have you had the privilege of raising a fruit tree from a mere “stick with roots in the ground†to fruit bearing on to maturity with a well-coiffed top? If you have, there is emotion you are registering in your body when you read these next words…you know it is not easy. If you haven’t, please believe those who have. It is especially not easy in these years of drought or too much rain paired…