Posts from June 2022

Posts from June 2022

A group of children reading a book together.

June CE Update

Hi Families! Happy Summer! I wanted to first start off by thanking everyone who came to support our children in our annual Children’s day pageant.  It was the first one we were able to hold in the last few years due to Covid and it felt so good to be back!  Fun fact: The animals that the children used were all created by hand by them to use for our Christmas pageant.  If you remember, the Christmas pageant had to…
A blue and yellow sign with the words " finding hunger one step at a time " written in front of a foot print.

Crop Walk 2022

The 42nd  Annual  Concord Mass. Area CROP Walk for the Hungry Will be held on Sunday, October 23, 2022, at First Parish in Concord. Registration  begins at 1:30, with music by the CCHS Pep Band, and the step-off will be at 2:15 The 42nd Annual Concord Massachusetts Area Crop Walk for the Hungry will be held on Sunday, October 23, 2022, at First Parish in Concord. An in-person walk is planned, as was done in 2021.  The money that is raised makes…
A sun with the words children 's sunday written in it.

Children’s Sunday 2022

Hi families!I am excited that we will be having the first in-person Children’sSunday in two years on June 12. Practice for this will be taking placein church school during regular class time on May 29 and June 5.The kids have anxiously been waiting to show you their creationsthat they made for the Christmas pageant which we will beincorporating into our children’s day skit. Please join us afterwardon the side lawn for our annual ice cream social following theservice.June 12 will…