Posts from 2021

Posts from 2021

A pile of colorful towels on top of each other.

Our Father’s House Support

Our Father’s House and the Women’s Fellowship Every year at Christmas one of the favorite charities of the Women’s Fellowship has been supportive of Our Father’s House in Fitchburg.  Although the impact of the virus has curtailed many of the Fellowship’s activities, we have not lessened in our commitment to provide support where needed and possible. Our Father’s House for almost 40 years has been dedicated to getting people off the street where they can be safe and find self-sufficiency. …

From The Pastor’s Pen

Advent Schedule of Services and Activities The year 2021 has been a time of growing uncertainty. With the development of vaccines to defend against COVID it seemed reasonable to hope that the virus would be contained and life, as we were accustomed to it, could soon resume. As we near the end of the year, numbers of cases are resurging instead of retreating. The cloud of uncertainty also takes the forms of increasing effects of climate change, the specter of…
A young boy is writing on his notebook while sitting at the table.

Christian Ed Update

Hi families! It’s been so nice to have church school in person and to see all of your smiling faces!! As we head into the advent season we have a few announcements. If you have a child in the nursery or the preschool/ kindergarten classroom we are asking you to please send me a message by Fridays at 6 pm to let us know if your child will be attending church school for that Sunday.  We love to see each…
A blurry photo of trees in the fall.

From The Pastor’s Pen

Jesus once said that “you cannot put new wine into old wineskins, or they will burst.†He meant that the new dimensions of knowing God and being God’s people that he was revealing, were too expansive to be fully contained in the former traditions and rituals. As we have been transitioning from the fully virtual worship format used during the pandemic state of emergency, through the Summer Open Air Worship services and now to our Regathering in the sanctuary for…
A blurry picture of trees in the fall.

From The Pastor’s Pen

Jesus once said that “you cannot put new wine into old wineskins, or they will burst.†He meant that the new dimensions of knowing God and being God’s people that he was revealing, were too expansive to be fully contained in the former traditions and rituals. As we have been transitioning from the fully virtual worship format used during the pandemic state of emergency, through the Summer Open Air Worship services and now to our Regathering in the sanctuary for…
A person writing on paper with a fountain pen.

From The Pastor’s Pen

In the Epistle to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul lends some sage advice to Churches for persevering as Christian communities in the face of great challenges. Paul counsels them to put on the Whole Armor of God for the protection they need to continue their ministry in hostile environments. It is advice that takes on new meaning for us as we confront the challenges posed to society in general, and the Church in particular, under the prolonged shadow of the…
A red and white logo that says " redfast hotels ".

Steadfast Hope

Focus on the Why As this year’s Generous Giving Ministry will focus on Steadfast Hope, why do you choose to give? What has this past year of pandemic life taught you about your own giving practices? Everyone has their own, personal reasons for why they give, or times when they can’t give. Wherever you are in your giving journey, focus on your why. Here are some ideas to help you think about your why: It’s where I experience the transforming…

Church Regathering: Phase 1

As most of you already know, the Commonwealth has lifted almost all COVID restrictions for gatherings that were instituted during the state of emergency. In light of these changes and the most recent recommendations of the CDC, FCCW is prepared to move forward with the first phase of returning to in-person worship. This is what Phase 1 of the Regathering will look like. 1.  Summertime outdoor worship:  Beginning June 6, 2021, and continuing through Labor Day Sunday (September 5, 2021) in-person worship services will…
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