October 2022 CE Update

October 2022 CE Update

Hi families,

Welcome back and Happy Fall!

We are off to a great start this year with lots of smiling faces, some old and some new!

We will be starting the service together with our church family weekly in the  Sanctuary.  Children are invited to sit with their families and will experience the beginning of the church service including a special message for all ages before being dismissed to church school.  We are asking that parents pick their children up directly at the classroom before the coffee hour.  The first Sunday of every month, Communion Sunday will be our “Intergenerational Sunday.â€Â  There will be nursery care but no church school classes.  Children will stay with their families for the entirety of the service in the sanctuary.

Our theme for this year is “Superheroes of the Bible.â€Â  Each month we will focus on a different person who has the characteristics attributed to being a superhero.  These personalities are most times strong, brave, willing, obedient, and kind.  This first month we have been studying Joshua.  The kids have learned about his dedication to God and his willingness to listen to Moses.  His leadership qualities are standing out to the kids as we delve deeper into his journey with the Israelites into the Holy Land.  I have attached a photo below of the door knob hangers the children made during our art rotation.  “And for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.†Joshua 24:15.  Next month’s rotation will feature David and his internal strength.

Devon Murphy

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