GGM Annual Awareness

GGM Annual Awareness

Living Presence, Right Now

In September, the Generous Giving Ministry will be increasing our annual awareness of what  generous giving is for this church and collecting pledges. This year’s theme is Living Presence, Right Now. We invite EVERYONE to join us at worship in September and early October to hear more about how we show up, be present and attend to the financial and spiritual needs as a  congregation.

Here we are. In the present. The past can inform us, and we can plan for the future, but what we have is the present. And what we have is a church and community that is in its moment of change. We have embarked on a process to deliver us to the present, but our definition of who we are as a church is not yet written in stone for the future.

We need you. Your presence.

We know that people “show up†in many ways. Some physically, at worship on Sunday or as committee volunteers in meetings. Some show up spiritually, having conversations with their  families and other church members about God and Jesus, and pray for those who need it in our community. Others show up financially, making their pledges and following through on their commitment to our faith community.

At this time, we need everyone to show up and be present with all parts. Jesus shows us how to be present in our lives and provides the ultimate example of “showing upâ€: resurrection and new life.

How will you show up in this time of our faith community’s need?

We are asking all folks committed to this church to consider making a pledge as a way to bear  witness of your presence. And for those who are already pledgers, we ask for you to increase your pledge, as this will not only keep this church surviving, but give us the opportunity to define who we are and what we want for ourselves, our congregation, community and the world this year. Pledge cards will be shared in September and help the Trustees to craft a budget to support the  congregation’s plans for the year.

Your pledge will support the work of this church—during our fall pledge drive, you will hear from committee volunteers about how your support keeps this church working and in what ways. See you then!

The Generous Giving Ministry

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