Will You Take a Moment to Consider?

Will You Take a Moment to Consider?

A heart with the word volunteering written in it.

Nominating has begun the search to fill our committee slots.  Please prayerfully consider how you can help support our church by joining one of the committees.  Contact either Karen Brighenti or Ellen Holmes for more information.


This group works together to assist the Pastor in the work of the church, including assistance with various aspects of the worship services, and administration of Communion. Deacons perform their tasks along with at least one other person, so there is always support from the group. Deacons and the Pastor meet one evening each month.


This committee consists of 6 members who manage the financial and business affairs of the church. In the words of one former Trustee, “You don’t have to be a banker in order to successfully do this work; it is much the same as the way you manage expenses in your own home. If the church doesn’t bring in as much revenue as our expenses, you do the same as you do at home: you brainstorm what to do about it, except here you get to do it with the help of a group.â€


This committee is critical in supporting the CE director and teachers to help guide the education of the youth in the love of Christ.  You will work with the CE director to plan for the church school year theme and support the special events throughout.


Are you a person who likes to help those in need? People on Christian Outreach are the eyes, ears, and connection to let our congregation know how we can help others, locally, nationally and internationally, in ways that are purposeful and beneficial. Projects sponsored by this group have included socks for the homeless, water during a crisis, an annual Crop Walk, or something as simple as making connections to the Food Pantry for those in need in our community.


Music is a language that connects people to God in a unique way. Being a part of this committee includes collaboration with the Music Director and congregation to enhance the music ministry. The Music Committee currently meets once a month, after the worship service.


Though things may change this committee helps to fill the empty committee slots. Typically a couple of months work with occasional openings to fill in the rest of the year.


This group works with Trustees to meet the financial needs of our church by educating the congregation on what is needed to accomplish our mission and to help our congregation see the value of giving. The committee provides organization for the annual Giving Campaign.


This committee helps to implement and update the church’s safe church policy.


The Welcoming Committee helps to set the tone for visitors, although the work of this group goes beyond what happens with folks who walk in the door – it is an interface with the community. The welcoming committee meets each month to develop a variety of formats to let our town/community know who we are and to welcome them into our congregation.

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