Sermons from December 2018

Sermons from December 2018

Star Child

Preached FCCW             December 23, 2018    Advent 4C Luke 1:39-56 Like many of you, lately I have been spending more time in shopping malls than I typically do other times of the year. Since everybody else seems to have been doing the same thing, I have also been spending more time waiting in check-out lines. I’m not complaining though, because it turns out to have been time well spent. It has in fact, made me pause and pay attention to some…

The Other (Not Quite As) Immaculate Conception

Preached FCCW. December 9, 2018 Luke 1:68-79   Improbable pregnancies are a recurring theme in the Bible. None more so than the one we celebrate every 25th of December. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was found to be with child even though she was a virgin. What has come to be known as “The Immaculate Conception.” While the Immaculate Conception is the one and only perfect 10 on the scale of miraculous births, highly unlikely pregnancies can be found scattered…


Preached FCCW, December 2, 2018 (Advent 1C) Luke 21:25-36   Jesus once told a parable about signs. He said. “Look at a fig tree. As soon as it sprouts leaves you know it is a sign that a change of seasons is just around the corner.” With the season of Advent, comes the many signs that Christmas is coming soon. There are signs in homes and public places, in the form of Christmas trees and bright lights. Even Black Friday…