From The Pastor’s Pen

From The Pastor’s Pen

While walking with churches facing the uncertainties of the future and asking where God is calling them to be present in the midst of that future, it is increasingly clear to me that it is imperative for us to be a people of Resurrection Faith.…

     Resurrection Faith is living with the constant awareness that all of this (every aspect of our being as humans walking this planet and as members of the church) was originally God’s project. It is surrendering to the reality that it all remains God’s—the church and creation. We exist in this world for but the length of time our bodies are capable of being hosts to our souls. Certainly, more recent experiences, as I continue to serve as an Association Moderator in NH—where we are about to propose the unification of all Conference Associations into one (a response to the increasingly diminished capacity of our local churches)—and        journey with The First Congregational Church of Gardner through the sale of their building and the  dissolution of their congregation, that regardless of the form it takes the church universal will continue forever—even as local churches close. As Rev. Gail Cafferata writes in Mind the Tiller: Leading a Church to Closure: “ Resurrection Faith is the faith that God is present in the midst of grief. It is faith that God calls us to be good stewards of our blessings [including each other]. It is faith that gratitude for ministry we’ve shared brings us closer to one another and to the heart of God.†Rev. Jonathan New, while he was the Associate Conference Minister for Stewardship and Financial Development of the former Massachusetts Conference wrote: there “is the special reward that is reserved only for those who are willing to engage [in] a congregation at the deepest possible level with the promise of the gospel – that ours is a God of life and that death doesn’t have the final word.†There is great freedom in this…

     Being a people of Resurrection Faith means openly facing our fears, naming our realities, and honoring our grief as we adapt to our changing realities. It also means not dwelling on them—looking for hope and embracing possibilities and opportunities. Living a Resurrection Faith is the embracing of risk-taking for the stewarding of God’s word and love in the world (beyond the church).

     In these past months conversations with members of and participants in the church brought forward several clear ideas to strengthen the church and create opportunities to invite and welcome others into building community with us. These conversations also named the reality that currently the                   congregation is primarily focused inwardly and that there is a deep desire for broader connection. As well, many continue to worship within this community experiencing a deep sense of belonging while others     continue hoping the same will develop for them.

     While we step into a writing phase of the Congregational Profile, conversations will continue in order to broaden deep listening within the church and foster the expansion of those desired connections. If you have been absent to the past conversations, you will soon find yourself directly invited into the listening space. As well, we will be stepping into some risk-taking with new programs. Here is the first…

Friday Night Open Table

A monthly gathering for dinner and fun from 5:30-8pm on the following dates:

September 15th, October 13th, November 10th (Veteran’s Day), December 8th,  January 12th, February 9th, March 8th, April 12th, May 10th, June 14th

This is your invitation to step into this liminal space and in co-creating a new kind of resurrection in our midst.          

Pastor Stacey

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