From The Pastor’s Pen

From The Pastor’s Pen

Peace be with you. With these words, Jesus greeted His disciples after His resurrection, signaling a profound truth that resonates through the ages: His resurrection brings life, joy, and light, ushering in peace, harmony, and tranquility for all believers.

As we reflect on the significance of Easter, we are reminded of the boundless blessings that Jesus’s resurrection bestows upon us. It is a time for contemplation, a time to embrace the transformative power of His love, and a time to seek healing of our fears, complexes, and traumas that have burdened us. Easter beckons us to see the presence of God in everything and to fall in love with the abundant life that Jesus offers.

In the wake of this sacred season, this church finds itself at a pivotal juncture, poised for revival and renewal. With the fervor of Easter still fresh in our hearts, you are embarking on a journey of growth and transformation, guided by the light of Christ.

In the spirit of revival, I draw your attention to three upcoming fundraisers which both invite others in and take you out into the community to connect and engage. While these are moments when you are seeking to meet the fiscal needs of this church, they are moments that you and the surrounding community see you as alive and can witness the resilience of this faith-filled church. Look deeper into these pages to find the details for Generous Giving’s Chowder Night, the Music Committee’s Organ Concert with Gavin Klein, and the return of the Yankee Street Fair. More importantly, this is a time when you can engage in the work of seeing yourselves alive with the Spirit of God and Christ. To witness and experience it for yourselves in your body, your minds, and your spirits. 

As is true of many congregations across the globe, this congregation’s journey of revival and of rebuilding really began back when the doors to the Sanctuary were re-opened in the Spring of 2022 and you were able to drop your masks to worship together again. Remember the words of Jesus, “Peace be with you.†Live and rise because He is alive and because He is alive in you! Let your actions be guided by the powerful love of God that sent Christ to this world to show us the path toward a life filled with God’s love. It is love that defines our faith and propels us forward in our mission to serve God and the whole of God’s creation.

May the peace of Christ dwell richly within each of you, and may His love inspire you to shine brightly in a world yearning for hope and redemption.

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