The day of Pentecost will fall on the fourth Sunday of May this year. Pentecost is typically referred to as the “Birthday of the Church†because that was when the Holy Spirit transformed a group of leaderless Jesus followers, into a vibrant body of believers who would boldly change the world. In the second chapter of the Book of Acts we are told that, “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.†Hearing that might make us a little nostalgic for past Pentecost Sundays (or any pre-pandemic Sundays, at all) when we too were gathered “all together in one place.†Not being to safely do that for such a long time has put a strain on our sense of community. We miss being together with each other. Perhaps, we are even recognizing how much we might have taken for granted the ease of gathering that we enjoyed prior to the pandemic. As the numbers of those vaccinated steadily increase, we can begin to see a glimmer on the horizon, marking the approaching possibility of safely regathering in person. Until then, let us be thankful that, just as the Spirit gave the disciples new languages through which to share the Gospel on that original Pentecost, we have been able, despite our physical separation, to use the gifts of modern media for maintaining a sense of connection and continuing our ministries in novel ways. Someday soon, we may even be able to look back at this time as a “Re-Birthday†of the Church.

Grace and Peace, Pastor Ray

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