From The Pastor’s Pen (Page 2)

From The Pastor’s Pen (Page 2)

A person writing on paper with a fountain pen.

From The Pastor’s Pen

In the Epistle to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul lends some sage advice to Churches for persevering as Christian communities in the face of great challenges. Paul counsels them to put on the Whole Armor of God for the protection they need to continue their ministry in hostile environments. It is advice that takes on new meaning for us as we confront the challenges posed to society in general, and the Church in particular, under the prolonged shadow of the…

Church Regathering: Phase 1

As most of you already know, the Commonwealth has lifted almost all COVID restrictions for gatherings that were instituted during the state of emergency. In light of these changes and the most recent recommendations of the CDC, FCCW is prepared to move forward with the first phase of returning to in-person worship. This is what Phase 1 of the Regathering will look like. 1.  Summertime outdoor worship:  Beginning June 6, 2021, and continuing through Labor Day Sunday (September 5, 2021) in-person worship services will…
A painting of the last supper with jesus and mary.


The day of Pentecost will fall on the fourth Sunday of May this year. Pentecost is typically referred to as the “Birthday of the Church†because that was when the Holy Spirit transformed a group of leaderless Jesus followers, into a vibrant body of believers who would boldly change the world. In the second chapter of the Book of Acts we are told that, “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.†Hearing that…
A white flower with the words happy easter written in front of it.

From The Pastor’s Pen

During 2005, torrential rains battered California, leading to massive floods and mudslides that did billions of dollars in damage and took a toll on human life, as well. But in nearby Death Valley, instead of death and destruction, the rain brought new and unexpected life. Death Valley’s name is well deserved because it is one of the least hospitable environments in North America. Death Valley normally sees an average of two inches of rain in a year. But that year…
A wooden block that says " lent ".

From The Pastor’s Pen

It was the First Sunday of Lent, and the minister called all the young people to the front for the children’s    sermon. She asked if anyone could tell her what Lent is. One young boy raised his hand and said, “Yes, it’s what we get out of our pockets.†Which is not such a bad answer, actually. Lent is a time for reaching deep into our pockets and cleaning out what has collected there without our noticing. Not the lint…
A cross in the sand with words tash wednesday

From the Pastor’s Pen

Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent. The forty days of fasting (not counting Sundays) includes the offering of the imposition of ashes on the foreheads of the faithful who desire it. The virtual Ash Wednesday Service will premiere at 10 am on February 17. This year, there will be two options available for receiving ashes while following the pandemic guidelines. 1.     There will be a “drive-through†imposition of ashes at the office entrance to the church, following the Virtual…
A table with lights and wooden blocks that say " goodbye 2 0 2 0 ".

From The Pastor’s Pen

2021! We made it! Good Riddance 2020! This sure does feel like a New Year to celebrate. Although, we should also remember that life is not really like a slate that we simply wipe clean of that which the previous year has written. It is more like the         beginning of a new season in a Netflix series. Some of the conflicts of the previous year may have been   resolved, but there will be other challenges to take their place. A…
A christmas tree with blue lights is lit up.

From the Pastor’s Pen

People have undergone unprecedented loss this year. Family and friends have succumbed to death in this pandemic, millions have lost economic security through loss of jobs, some have lost businesses they built over a lifetime. Most of us have lost our beloved rhythms of life that felt familiar and gave our lives the richness of gatherings and adventure. And we can name so many losses related to   hatred and violence. Throughout Advent we proclaim hope, love, joy, and peace in…
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