'Christian Ed' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

'Christian Ed' Tagged Posts (Page 2)

A group of children reading a book together.

Hello families!

As a child, February held what was always my favorite holiday. I loved going into school on Valentine’s Day where we had the paper bags that we decorated set up on our desks just waiting for the little colored cards to be placed in them from our classmates and “secret admirersâ€. Although I am well passed the years of         receiving character notes in a classroom, I still believe that everyone loves receiving a nice piece of mail. Now I’m not…
A group of children reading a book together.

Christian Ed

Hi Families! As we enter into a new year, (2021, yay we made it!!!) I would like to take this time to thank you for all of the support and behind the scenes help that you have all given me from home this past year. Also a thank you to all of the teens and adults who have volunteered to do a special guest appearance segment during our lessons.  We are all a team, the CE committee, the families at…
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