Pie Baking!

Pie Baking!

Join with your church friends in baking apple pies.

On Thursday, September 19 th , we will join together in the church kitchen to
peel apples, roll out crusts, bake pies, chat & laugh while we make
45 pies to sell at the Westminster Farmers Market on Friday.
Join your church friends any time between 9 am and 3 pm.
Help is also needed to sell pies on Friday from 3-5 pm.

Can you donate any of these ingredients we need to make the pies?
3 10 lb bags of King Arthur Flour
3 3 lb cans of shortening
5 4 lb bags of sugar
4 bottles of nutmeg
4 bottles of cinnamon
1 lb butter
1 qt milk

A basket for your donations will be in the church kitchen.

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