Posts from January 2024

Posts from January 2024

A group of people holding hands with the words " donation program ".

Confirmation Program

Four youth are committed to the Confirmation program this winter and spring and began meeting in late December.  This program has all of the core conversation/exploration components                accustomed to in this congregation, though it is structured a bit differently,        relying on some Conference resources to make the program more robust in       response to our, and Pastor Stacey’s, capacity to facilitate the program. Topics  will include: understanding membership in the local church, the United Church of Christ and the diversity of…
A person writing " thank you ".

Giving Tree 2023

A message from the Christian Outreach Committee     Thank you all for your response to our annual giving tree toy drive! This year we again used the ease of Amazon to our advantage and easily met the needs of children who could use a little extra joy this holiday season. The Christian Outreach Committee partnered with the Community Healthlink residential recovery homes, where children are going through the re-unification process with their mothers.  With your help we were able to fulfill all…
A close up of the word lent on a book


Lent begins with the starkness of Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday we face our mortality and the limits of our earthborn existence. Ashes are smeared on our    forehead as we hear the solemn words spoken: “You are dust and to dust you shall return.†It is not hard to make the connection with the words often said at the burial of the dead: “Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.†Ash Wednesday falls at a time when our…

2024 Annual Meeting Notification

Call to Annual Meeting January 21, 2024 You are hereby notified that the Annual Meeting for 2024 will be held on Sunday, January 21, 2024. The meeting will take place in the sanctuary, immediately following the church service. On the agenda is the vote on the Reports of the Boards and Committees and anything else that comes before the meeting. Anyone may attend and participate in discussion, but only members may vote. Julie Gagnon, Clerk      
A woman is holding her nails and using a pen

From The Pastors pen

In an article written by Albrecht Powell for “ Guide†the following resolutions make the top ten list across the United States: Did you make a new year’s resolution this year? Does it make this list?  The best resolutions are those which focus on changing behaviors and are attainable by taking a few short steps and sticking with them.  An interesting fact about these resolutions which often goes unnoticed, is that each connects to our lives of faith.  Seeking to obtain…