Posts from May 2023

Posts from May 2023

A group of people holding hands with the word " pledge " spelled out in blocks.

Proportional Giving

……SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT! Our church is a member of the United Church of Christ (UCC), which has several geographic divisions or conferences.  Our conference is the Southern New England Conference of the UCC (SNEUCC). In 2017 the SNEUCC passed the following: “Proportional Giving (PG) replaces a Local Church’s giving to Conference and National UCC through Membership Dues and OCWM Basic Support.  Instead, the church’s PG contributions are based on its historic giving level in relation to its Total…
A group of people sitting in front of each other.

Intentional Interim Ministry

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3   In the life of any one  congregation there are many moments of leadership change and hopefully fewer pastoral transitions. Any shifting of leadership causes pause for a congregational system; a disruption of patterns occurs when a cleric, for any reason or cause, leaves a faith community.  Whether or not a pastor was beloved, let go with or without cause,                  congregations and the individual members of it move through…