Sermons from 2022

Sermons from 2022

The Second Most Important Person in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday

Preached FCCW on April 6, 2022 Luke 19:28-40 and Luke 23:13-25, 44-47     Everyone knows who the most important person in Jerusalem was on Palm Sunday, right? Jesus, of course! After all, he had his own parade following him into the city! People were laying palms and the cloaks off their backs on the road before him like a red carpet. People were shouting and singing with such enthusiasm that it rattled the religious leaders, who pleaded with Jesus to pull…

Of Scents and ₵ents

John 12:1-8 Now that some of the worst effects of the Pandemic seem to be receding, one that still lingers with some of those who were infected, is the loss of their sense of smell. Given the worse possible outcomes of COVID, some might say that losing the ability to smell is getting off easy. Recently though, science has suggested that there is more to the sense of smell than once thought. Some research indicates that certain aromas can actually…

My Three Sons

Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32 In case you are wondering about the title of this sermon—My Three Sons–yes, I did borrow it from the old Fred MacMurray TV show of the same name. If you remember that show, you may also remember the iconic logo at the start of each episode, that focused on three pairs of men’s feet—one wearing sneakers shoes, one wearing wing tip dress shoes, and the third wearing penny loafers. The different styles of shoes were indicative…

Uncommon Sense

Luke 13:1-9 One of the most highly valued attributes a person can possess is common sense. Common sense is considered to be an intuitive kind of intelligence. One that is grounded in personal observation and experience; and deductions stemming from obvious causes and effects. Lacking common sense tends to have its consequences. For instance, someone who goes to a restaurant and orders a pizza. When the pizza is brought to their table straight from the oven, there is steam rising…


Luke 4:1-13 Among the indigenous peoples of Australia, there is a rite of passage that adolescent males undertake. This rite of passage is known as a Walkabout. The walkabout is a journey to help “transform” them into adults. During this journey, which can last for up to six months, the individual is required to live and survive all alone in the wilderness. In order to survive this long hike, the participant in the walkabout must be able to make their…
Ash Wednesday

Disfigured Faces 

Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 Have you ever noticed that Jesus had plenty of tolerance for all kinds of sinners, but no patience at all for religious show-offs? In Matthew’s gospel, we hear Jesus’ condemnation of any acts of piety performed for the superficial reward of impressing others instead of to experience God more authentically.   Jesus has a harsh word for those people who put on holier than thou airs in public: hypocrites. Their behavior might impress others, and thus get…

Who’s Listening?

Transfiguration Sunday When Admiral Richard Byrd explored the South Pole, CBS had the contract to transmit over the airwaves all of the reports he made from his expedition. The world eagerly awaited the first radio broadcast from Antarctica. But something went wrong. Byrd’s’ transmission began alright, but the quality of the reception rapidly deteriorated. Only one person possessed the necessary expertise to correct the problem. That person was an engineer named George. A frantic call was placed from CBS to…

Dearly Beloved

1 Corinthians 13:1-13 and Luke 6:27-36 Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness… Where have you heard those words before? If they sound familiar, it is most likely because they were the opening words at many a wedding at which you were a guest. Or perhaps they are the words that were spoken at your own wedding. The words of the Apostle Paul that were read for us from his First Epistle to the Church in Corinth probably also…

Planting Trees on Level Ground

Luke 6:17-26 and Jeremiah 17:5-10 Location, location, location. Any real estate agent will tell you that where a house is situated is the critical feature that can make or break a sale. Location is also important when it comes to gardening. Some plantings thrive in places that receive direct sunlight. Others need shade or they will wilt and wither. Soggy soil can cause problems for some plants, while others demand to be well watered. Location also determines whether our spiritual…

I Know You Are, But What Am I?

Due to technical issues with the camera, video is not available for this service. 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 The Apostle Paul—also known as St. Paul—is credited with having written more of the New Testament Books of the Bible than anyone else. His writings give us the most enlightened interpretation of the meaning of Christ’s life, death and resurrection. His teachings do more than anyone else to help us to understand how the church should function if it is to reflect the…

Church Anatomy

1 Corinthians 12:12-31a A bright yellow highway department truck crept along a city street. A worker slowly climbed out of the truck and dug a large hole in the grassy strip between the sidewalk and the curb. A few minutes later, a second worker got out of the truck. He filled the hole that was just dug and tamped down the dirt. A few yards down the street, they repeated the procedure, then again and again. An elderly woman was…

60% H2O

Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 and Acts 8:14-17 (This service involved a Reaffirmation of Baptism, which is included at the end of this sermon.) On a wall in my office, hang several framed reminders of significant milestones in my journey to becoming an ordained minister. From Andover Newton Theological School, there is my Master of Divinity degree and my certificate of induction into the Jonathan Edwards Honor Society. There is my Certificate of Ordained Ministerial Standing which was conferred upon me by…