Congregational News and Updates (Page 3)
Advent Devotionals
Advent Devotionals Two Advent Devotionals are available as you enter the Sanctuary and near the office. One for families with conversations laid out to have around the dinner table and activities that help children and youth understand the story of Christ’s birth in expanding ways. The second is tailored to adults with a single devotion for each week of Advent and a variety of questions that can be explored as you progress through Advent. These devotionals connect with the Advent…
November CE Update
Since Devon Murphy’s resignation the Christian Education committee members are assuming some of the director’s day-to-day administrative duties (ie running CORI reports, tracking attendance, reaching out to families to discuss changes, supporting those teaching on Sunday morning). We are working on inviting new volunteers into the program and are excited that Dawn Perron, Emma Barry, and Beth Heckman are jumping into the rotation along with Russell Hertel who continues to be there every Sunday he is available. Carol McGee is…
Thanksgiving Food Collection
Thankfully we have been able to make necessary adjustments to the current new normal, and some things have not changed. Poverty and homelessness still exist. People have lost jobs or had their income reduced resulting in more need for shelters and food pantries. We are fortunate to have the Westminster Community Food Pantry housed in our church. In a recent conversation with Dorcas Hurd, Director of the Westminster Community Food Pantry, she expressed great appreciation for everything our church does…
Nursery Help Needed
Have you ever thought about providing Infant & Toddler care in our Church community?  The Christian Education Committee is looking for individuals who would be willing to be a part of a rotation of caregivers in the Nursery during Worship Services on Sunday mornings. 4 or more volunteers would mean committing to once a month, or less. If you are interested in caring for the youngest members of our congregation or have questions, please contact Carol McGee at  [email protected]
October 2022 CE Update
Hi families, Welcome back and Happy Fall! We are off to a great start this year with lots of smiling faces, some old and some new! We will be starting the service together with our church family weekly in the Sanctuary. Children are invited to sit with their families and will experience the beginning of the church service including a special message for all ages before being dismissed to church school. We are asking that parents pick their children up…
Staffing Changes
This Tuesday, the leadership of Christian Education and the church staff received a letter from our beloved Christian Education Director. Devon expressed to the congregation that given the current needs of her family and desire to be near her husband as he faces a difficult health diagnosis, she needs to resign from her position. We have known that this might be necessary for her and have wanted to be as supportive as possible in both her life and her ministry…
Will You Take a Moment to Consider?
Nominating has begun the search to fill our committee slots. Â Please prayerfully consider how you can help support our church by joining one of the committees. Â Contact either Karen Brighenti or Ellen Holmes for more information. DEACONS This group works together to assist the Pastor in the work of the church, including assistance with various aspects of the worship services, and administration of Communion. Deacons perform their tasks along with at least one other person, so there is always support…
Surviving and Thriving
In a season of change As we celebrate survival, and hope, we must also seek ways to thrive in this season of change for our church. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.†John 16:33 In the past year, this church experienced a huge change; for many, Pastor Ray’s departure in May clicked into focus the church’s need to reexamine who…
Messages for All Ages
Intergenerational Sundays Beginning in October, our Congregation is returning to a tradition of first Sundays, Communion Sundays, encompassing all ages (with a new name). These services will be celebratory of our church family and embracing of our neighbors. Messages for All Ages will be a little longer with the Reflection being a little shorter with the messages from each being connected and anchored in scripture. Children and teens will be invited to participate in reading, taking the collection, greeting, lighting…
Welcome back to church school!
Hi Families!Welcome back to church school! This year we are excited to start off the year similar to how we were pre-covid! We are going back to the model where children will first be attending the service with their families before being dismissed to church school with the teachers where we will then gather in the lower hall (Covenant Hall) before going to our classes. The first Sunday of the month is going to be Family Sunday.On Family Sunday the…
June Generous Giving Update
How do our church pledges look? At a recent Generous Giving Ministry meeting, we discussed that it would be helpful to see how church members and pledgers make their pledges to the church. Having transparency in how folks give could help folks see how their pledges are part of this whole pie. So, we are sharing some insights into how the pledges have come in for the 2022 year. Here are some main themes: * This year, we received about…
June CE Update
Hi Families! Happy Summer! I wanted to first start off by thanking everyone who came to support our children in our annual Children’s day pageant. It was the first one we were able to hold in the last few years due to Covid and it felt so good to be back! Fun fact: The animals that the children used were all created by hand by them to use for our Christmas pageant. If you remember, the Christmas pageant had to…
Crop Walk 2022
The 42nd Annual Concord Mass. Area CROP Walk for the Hungry Will be held on Sunday, October 23, 2022, at First Parish in Concord. Registration begins at 1:30, with music by the CCHS Pep Band, and the step-off will be at 2:15 The 42nd Annual Concord Massachusetts Area Crop Walk for the Hungry will be held on Sunday, October 23, 2022, at First Parish in Concord. An in-person walk is planned, as was done in 2021. The money that is raised makes…
Children’s Sunday 2022
Hi families!I am excited that we will be having the first in-person Children’sSunday in two years on June 12. Practice for this will be taking placein church school during regular class time on May 29 and June 5.The kids have anxiously been waiting to show you their creationsthat they made for the Christmas pageant which we will beincorporating into our children’s day skit. Please join us afterwardon the side lawn for our annual ice cream social following theservice.June 12 will…
CE Update
When looking up the definition of a Pastor in the dictionary it tells us that it means “a clergyperson serving a local church or parish.â€Â When I read that line it seems like such a standard description for such an important person. A basic and even boring statement that could be used to describe anyone that has even the most basic of knowledge of the Bible or just any simpleton who can lead a group of people. However, with conviction, I…
Church Directory Update
For a printable copy Click Here
Happy Spring!
Hi Families! I am happy to announce that we are officially mask-free at church school! Families have the option of doing whatever works best for their children, (either in masks or without masks) but now the masking is optional. We will still continue to keep the windows open to allow for fresh air circulation and we will still social distance whenever possible as well as sanitize all items regularly. This year we will be celebrating Palm Sunday together as a…