Posts from September 2021

Posts from September 2021

Update on Mums

 We would like to celebrate the beauty of Fall with our annual display of chrysanthemum plants given in memory or in honor of loved ones. The mums will be placed in front of our church decorating the front steps. The Westminster Pharmacy is looking for a provider for mums which they don’t have as of this writing.  When we know a price for the mums we will send out a MailChimp as well as including it in the bulletin.

From The Pastor’s Pen

In the Epistle to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul lends some sage advice to Churches for persevering as Christian communities in the face of great challenges. Paul counsels them to put on the Whole Armor of God for the protection they need to continue their ministry in hostile environments. It is advice that takes on new meaning for us as we confront the challenges posed to society in general, and the Church in particular, under the prolonged shadow of the…