Posts from March 2021

Posts from March 2021

April COVID 19 Update

The Response Team which is made up of the Pastor, Moderator, Staff, and representatives of Diaconate,   Trustees, and Safe Church have been meeting regularly since the beginning of the pandemic.  We monitor trends in the progression of the virus thru various agencies such as the CDC, Southern New England UCC Conference, and Federal and State covid Safety Standards.  We are currently reviewing the information, forms, and protocols that we have been working on since the onset of the virus in…

From The Pastor’s Pen

During 2005, torrential rains battered California, leading to massive floods and mudslides that did billions of dollars in damage and took a toll on human life, as well. But in nearby Death Valley, instead of death and destruction, the rain brought new and unexpected life. Death Valley’s name is well deserved because it is one of the least hospitable environments in North America. Death Valley normally sees an average of two inches of rain in a year. But that year…